All of Us Research Program

Use these resources to build awareness about All of Us in your community. These resources can be used actively in your programs or distributed as handouts, links on your website of through social media.


Sharable Resources

  • All of Us Activities: Share these mobile-friendly activities with your community to learn about their health and how lifestyle, genetics, and environmental factors can affect people.
  • See more shareable resources from All of Us


These short videos about All of Us can be shared online or during events. They are an easy-to-use way to bring awareness of the program to your community.

What is All of Us?

The All of Us Anthem

All of Us Research Program PSA

What is Precision Medicine?

"Be Heard" All of Us PSA (English)

"Be Heard" All of Us PSA (Spanish)

"Generations" All of Us PSA (English)

"Generations" All of Us PSA (Spanish)

"All of Us Anthem PSA" (English)

"All of Us Anthem PSA" (Spanish)

Participant Testimonial: Lowellyn

Participant Testimonial: Qianya


Interested in having an All of Us representative present at a future program? You can request a Virtual Ambassador or local All of Us partner to give an online presentation about the program and how to participate. Contact us at for more information about guest speakers.

Presentation Slides

All of Us Presentation Slides

All of Us Presentation Slides - for any public presentations

Download the Slides

Digital Display Slides

All of Us Digital Display Slides

All of Us Digital Display Slides – for any digital displays, tvs, promotion in your community

Download the Slides

Print Materials

Print and use these materials for events, display, or program activities. Materials are available in English, with some also available in Spanish and other languages.

Bookmarks, Posters, and Brochures

Infographic Flyers

Genomics 101 Activities

All of Us 101 Activities

All of Us Research Program Social Media

This page was last updated on: 03/12/24 12:42